La Dama De Rosa

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Gabriela (Jeannette Rodríguez) is a young woman whose biggest dream is to become an actress, but she has to give up her hopes to help her family, which is going through serious economic difficulties. That's why she agrees to work in a car wash owned by Tito Clemente (Carlos Mata).

El exitoso empresario ha construido todo un emporio económico, junto a su esposa, con quien comparte una vida llena de frustraciones, sin hijos y con el dinero como único lazo importante.

Gabriela and Tito meet during the opening of the business premises. But a clumsiness on the part of the young woman provokes her immediate dismissal. In her attempt to keep her job, the attraction that gives way to the romance between them arises. But, he is trimmed when Tito discovers that Gabriela is accused of drug trafficking.

Tito decides not to support her because of the overwhelming evidence, while Gabriela, once imprisoned, realizes that she is pregnant. When her son is born, she entrusts him to her mother and from the prison, begins an escape plan and revenge. She fulfills the first part of her purpose by changing her face and identity to seduce Tito and keep his companies.

Pero el secreto de Gabriela está por descubrirse, lo que la llevaría nuevamente a la cárcel; sin embargo, el destino tiene otros planes. Tito, quien, paradójicamente, pudiera terminar sus días tras las rejas, deberá luchar no solo por su libertad, sino para convencer a Gabriela del sincero amor que siente por ella.

Lady in Rose (La Dama de Rosa) fue vista por millones de personas en más de 30 países, 14 de ellos transmitieron la telenovela en más de una oportunidad, como fue el caso de: Estados Unidos 10 veces, España 8, Portugal 6 y Canadá 5.

RCTV dramatic production caused a great furor in the Spanish audiences, which eagerly awaited its transmission at 3:30 in the afternoon.

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